четверг, 8 марта 2012 г.


I`ll cross the stream — I have a dream

     It seems to me that nowadays countries and their citizens don`t ha ve the boundaries,but the barriers.The language barriers.My hope and the secret dream is as following: time comes(sure!) when people will be able to communicate with each other and learn from each other without the help of any translators.

The English language is my favour but … I`m sorry, Sir Language, you are not the only one possible way of communication in the World.For many people it`s the best,the quickest, the most suitable way and there are 330 to 380 million native speakers in 54 countries. The history and culture of the English language is deep and profound, there are a lot of words in it the world can`t live without. But it`s difficult from time to time to find the word or phrase to descr ibe for example such a socio-cultural reality as «Old New Year» in Russia or to understand the perfect distinction between the «dragon year» and «(chinese dragon) year». The matter may be simpler than some liguistic problems. Food. National food and eating traditions.What to do with the dish?To eat or not to eat? How to eat? Once my students made a very smart research on the problem of the geografical influence on the food preferences and the influence of national food on the behaviour of people. There were a lot of words, they couldn`t find in Oxford Dictionary. So my secret wish is: let us learn as many languages as possible. I`m not for the idea to make all people know all the languages or to make them polyglots. I`m fore the mutual understanding.
Why do you think it`s possible? Times and people are changing and... 

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